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Children's Choir
This is a choir of young children who love music and like to sing. Pastor Pranschke accompanies and teaches this delightful choir. The congregation enjoys it each time they bless us with their singing.
Confirmation Class
We have two different confirmation classes. One is for 6th and 7th grade students, which meets at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. We also have a class for 8th graders that meets at 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Pastor Pranschke teaches these classes. Classes are currently on break.
Early Childhood Center
We offer an excellent program for 2 1/2 year old children through Pre-Kindergarten. For more information, visit the school's website at or call the office at 201-664-8060.
Families Matter
Families Matter is a program for children under the age of 5, along with their caregivers. Children hear stories, sing songs, make crafts and have a snack. All are welcome! Join Us!
First Communion
First communion classes are taught by Pastor Pranschke on Mondays at 4:00. Please contact the church office at 201-664-1325 if you are interested in enrolling your child. Classes are currently on break.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School ranges pre-kindergarten to 4th grade. Children meet during our second service at 10:15 from fall until spring. The begin with a short message from Pastor in the church and then are dismissed to their class. The sunday school is currently on break.
Saturday Night Socials
This is a group that gathers for casual family dinner and get-togethers. Hosted at the church you will frequently be treated to a fun movies and activities while being served a family friendly meal. Events will begin again in the fall. Watch for a new schedule.
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